According to a very old tradition, the Pianura Veronese is marked by craftsmanship and particularly by woodworking. The residents of the plain have learnt to exploit wood for different uses since the plain was covered in thick woods. This is one of the reasons why inlayers, carvers, straw-stuffers and glazers are so skilled: they have improved their skills over the centuries and have become undisputed masters in making pieces of furniture.

During the twentieth century, woodworking and especially the making of artistic furniture became the finest branch of craftsmanship in the entire area and reached first-rate quality and value.

Even today wood craftsmen can skilfully reproduce and restore classic furniture dating from different historical ages, intended to furnish big villas and houses.

The value and quality of these products are proved by the huge commercial success achieved also abroad. In addition to it, the artistic furniture craftsmanship is still today the backbone of hundreds of firms situated in several towns of the plain (Cerea, Bovolone, San Pietro di Morubio, Roverchiara, Isola Rizza, Sanguinetto, Salizzole and Concamarise).

Furthermore, there are initiatives intended to spread and pass the culture, traditions and skills related to the making of artistic furniture onto future generations. The cultural association “Appio Spagnolo” in Cerea organizes courses, seminars and meetings about the artistic furniture craftsmanship. At Villa Dionisi in Cerea the Aldo Morelato Foundation has set up the Museum of Applied Arts in Furniture.

Besides the artistic furniture, the Pianura Veronese can boast a long tradition in the processing of other materials too. There are tens of workshops where you can admire and buy unique pieces of wrought iron, glass and stained glass. These pieces are made by skilled craftsmen, who still use the old methods of forging and chiselling.