
Villa Brà

This courtyard house is surrounded by a beautiful park. This complex consists of the central manor house and shelters for hay and wheat and other outbuildings on its sides. This villa houses the Peasant Life Museum.


18th century


Via Dante 7/c 37060 Bonferraro di Sorgà (Verona)

Opening hours

(From April to October) On the third Sunday of every month from 16:00 to 19:00. Groups of more than 5 people can visit the house by appointment. Free offer.


Information at Istituto Regionale Ville Venete and on www.tourism.verona.it

For more information

Phone number: 045/7320091
Mobile phone: 3334012280 - 3407371275
Fax number: 045/7320091
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.villabra.com/museo.php